We celebrate 150 years of Gebrüder Reiner

Silver Care
With Proper Care Silver is Forever
The brilliance of new silverware is something very special. But how can this fascinating shine be preserved for many years, perhaps even for generations?
Contrary to popular belief, you can easily use silver cutlery in everyday life. With a few simple tricks, your cutlery will be a classy eye-catcher on your table for a very long time.
Silver Cutlery and Dishwashers
Silver cutlery from the Gebrüder Reiner Silver Manufactorer can generally be cleaned in the dishwasher. However, experience has shown that the use of high concentration dishwasher tabs with many additives often results in stains on the silver. For that reason, we recommend using dishwashing powder that can be measured out precisely. But not all powders are the same! Depending on the brand, the products on the market have different ingredients. Look for the instructions on the packaging (e.g., suitable for silverware) or do your own research, e.g., with the help of Stiftung Warentest.
If possible, right after washing it, briefly wipe the cutlery with a microfiber cloth.
Clean Dirty Cutlery Promptly
Used cutlery should be rinsed promptly, as food residue such as table salt or acidic substances can attack the precious material. This is particularly true of the delicate blade steel, so at least the knife blades should be pre-rinsed briefly under running water after use.
Frequent Use Prevents Discoloration
Many households only get the good silver cutlery out of the cabinet for very special occasions. While this impulse is understandable, long periods of storage can cause the cutlery to tarnish. In fact, using the cutlery daily is the best protection against discoloration. So it really is true: frequent use will save you from having to clean.
Proper Storage
Especially if you do not use your silver cutlery every day, it is important to ensure proper storage. Here, we provide you with solutions that will optimally protect your cutlery.
Silver Care Products
If discoloration does occur after an extended period of time, it can be removed with the help of special silver care products. We offer suitable products for the care of your silver cutlery. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.
Professional Repair and Reconditioning
If your cutlery is worn out or even damaged, our team of experts will be happy to help you. No matter if your cutlery needs a polish, a new silver plating or a repair - thanks to professional reconditioning your cutlery will shine again in its former glory.